The Lipids

Question Description I’m working on a biology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Explain one structural feature OR one functional feature of lipids  Structural refers to features of its structure–how it is made. As examples,...

Week 5 Case study

Description Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook Weekly Concepts Minimum of 1 scholarly source Scenario/Summary Manuel loved the outdoors and loved playing softball. There was no better way to spend a weekend than on the...

Microbiology Question

Description write a four page page paper in microbiology where the topic Gram’s Stain (steps) where the bacteria we used was a dog chew toy  1. Cover page 2. Purpose section: Include an introduction/purpose/objective section stating the purpose of the...

Dinosaur in the news

Question Description I’m working on a biology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. This weeks article should be related to the vertebrate ancestors of dinosaurs.  write a summary about the article