
Review the assigned case study and post your response. Use the following:

Case Study #1:

Dorothy is a 68-year-old woman who presents to the clinic with several months of fatigue, decreased exercise tolerance, and increased episodes of angina. She volunteers an observation that she is craving ice chips. She also has coronary artery disease with exertional angina, for which she takes nitroglycerine. Her medications include metoprolol, simvastatin, and one low-dose aspirin per day.Her complete blood count is WBC 6,500, Hgb 9.8, HCT 28.2%, MCV 78, and platelets 320,000. Her ferritin is 8. 1. She has had a colonoscopy to rule out colon cancer. Additional workup is pending for the cause of her anemia. Her current diagnosis is iron deficient anemia (IDA).


?  Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L

?  Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H

?  Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L

?  Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L

?  Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L

?  Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.LCase Study #2:Hannah is a 14-year-old who presents to the clinic with increasing fatigue She is active in sports and is a vegetarian. Her last menstrual period was 2 weeks prior to the visit. She states that her menses are every 4 weeks and reports that they are heavy and last for 5 to 7 days. Hannah’s Hgb is 7.1, and her Hct is 30.2%. Her ferritin is 10.Questions:

?  Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L

?  Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H

?  Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L

?  Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L

?  Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L

?  Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L

  • Case Study #3

Mr. B is a cardiology patient with a valve replacement. He needs to be started on warfarin, and cardiology is asking you to manage.

  • ?  Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L
  • ?  Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H
  • ?  Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ?  Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ?  Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L

?  Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.LCase Study #4
(macrocytic anemia consider pernicious vs. folic acid)Angela is a 37-year-old female who reports drinking 1-2 shots a night to help her sleep. She has been consistently doing this over the last 3 years.
Angela is diagnosed with macrocytic anemia.

  • ?  Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L

?  Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H

  • ?  Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L
  • ?  Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ?  Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ?  Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L
  • Case Study #5
    Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD)

Joseph is a 72-year-old with Stage 3b chronic kidney disease (CKD). Treatment for this is management of his CKD. In addition, medications to treat include:

Erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA) Iron Supplementation

?  Select Drug and Dosage (as written on prescription e.g. bid) MSN.E1. P1.L

  • ?  Analyzes Biochemical Process MSN.E8.P1.H

?  Evaluates Cost MSN.E1. P3.L

  • ?  Evaluates Ethical /Cultural Implications MSN.E1. P4.L
  • ?  Identifies Adverse drug reactions MSN.E1.P4.L
  • ?  Identifies (check if there is not an adverse reaction) interactions with othermedications MSN.E1.P4.L