Task Description:
In terms of physical, social-emotional and cognitive development, identify aspects of learning and development of a child (You can have an example from your placement, your family or your social circles, but please respect the confidentiality of their identity, make them unidentifiable, using a pseudonym). Explain their milestones of development, specifically identifying development across all domains. Use theoretical tools from different perspectives that we have discussed in the class, e.g.: constructivism, behaviourism, humanistic theory, cognitivism, etc. Appraise a range of intentional teaching strategies to support the child’s holistic learning and development, along with individual needs if required. Link to EYLF/NQS.
• Explain the milestones achieved by the child, and any notable milestones that have not been achieved but would be
expected at the child’s age.
• Appraisal of strategies to support the child’s development and learning
• Clear connections to EYLF, NQS
• Draw on relevant academic literature to support your explanation.
Due Date: 14th August, 2024, 11.59 PM
Word count: 2000 words +/- 10% (excluding references)
NOTE: SCEI-HE requires its students to observe the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academic work. SCEI-HE actively
demonstrates its commitment to academic integrity by recognising scholarly work and penalising all forms of academic dishonesty. Please refer
to the Institute’s HEPP01 Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer, Academic Support
Coordinator or Librarian.
Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.
Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines)
Grading Scale
Criteria High Distinction (HD)
Distinction (D) Credit (C) Pass (P) Not meeting minimum requirement (N)
C1. Explain the milestones achieved by the child, and any notable milestones that have not been achieved but would be expected at the child’s age.
(15 marks)
C1.1 Explanation of milestone achievement clearly addresses all domains and contains critical reflection on child development in terms of age / development related expectations.
C1.2 Explanation of milestone achievement clearly addresses all domains.
C1.3 Explanation of milestone achievement addresses all domains but is mostly descriptive.
C1.4 Child clearly introduced. Explanation of milestone achievement addresses all domains but may contain misunderstandings.
C1.5 Child not clearly introduced. Explanation of milestone achievement doesn’t address all domains / is inaccurate or missing.
C2. Appraisal of strategies to support the child’s development and learning
(10 marks)
C2.1 Relevant strategies to support the child’s development are appraised.
C2.2 Relevant strategies to support the child’s development are explained.
C2.3 Relevant strategies to support the child’s development are described.
C2.4 Relevant strategies to support the child’s development are noted.
C2.5 Appraisal of strategies to support the child’s development and learning is missing, inaccurate or irrelevant.
C3. Clear connections to EYLF, NQS
C3.1 Connections to EYLF and NQS are explained and justified.
C3.2 Connections to EYLF and NQS are explained.
C3.3 Connections to EYLF and NQS are clearly stated.
C3.4 Connections to EYLF and NQS are note in brief.
C3.5 Connections to EYLF and NQS are missing or inaccurate.
(5 marks)
C4. Draw on relevant academic literature to support your explanation.
(5 marks)
C4.1 A broad range of relevant academic sources cited. Sources effectively support claims / argument.
C4.2 A range of relevant academic sources cited. Sources effectively support claims / argument.
C4.3 Relevant academic sources cited. Sources effectively support claims / argument.
C4.4 Minimal academic sources cited. Sources do not effectively support claims / argument.
C4.5 No academic sources cited /irrelevant academic sources cited.
C5. Assignment is
formatted according
to requirements and
written clearly and
cohesively. APA 7
referencing is used.
Word limit is
adhered to.
(5 marks)
C5.1 The
assignment is clear
and free of
typographical and
structural features
that hinder
There is no
confusion between
author voice and
that of sources. The
assignment is
formatted according
to stated
Accurate mechanics
of in-text and end-
of-text APA (7th
Ed.) referencing
C5.2 The
assignment is clear
with minor
typographical and
structural features
that may hinder
There is minimal
confusion between
author voice and
that of sources.
The assignment is
mostly formatted
according to stated
mechanics of in-
text and end-of-
text APA (7th Ed.)
C5.3 The assignment
is clear with
typographical and
structural features
that may hinder
understanding. There
is minor confusion
between author
voice and that of
sources. The
assignment is partly
formatted according
to stated
Mechanics of in-text
and end-of-text APA
(7th Ed.) referencing
style were used with
C5.4 The
assignment has
typographical and
structural features
that significantly
There is confusion
between author
voice and that of
The assignment is
formatted according
to stated
Mechanics of in-
text and end-of-text
APA (7th Ed.)
C5.5 The
assignment has
typographical and
structural features
that prohibit
There is confusion
between author
voice and that of
sources, or author’s
voice is absent. The
assignment is not
formatted according
to stated
Mechanics of in-
text and end-of-text
APA (7th Ed.)
referencing style
style were used.
Word limit met.
referencing style
were used with
inconsistencies (no
more than 2
Word limit met.
inconsistencies (no
more than 4 errors).
Word limit met.
referencing contain
several errors.
Word limit met.
were not used
Word limit not met.