
Write an Annotated Bibliography

  • Indicate the background of the author(s).
  • Indicate the content or scope of the text.
  • Outline the main argument.
  • Indicate the intended audience.
  • Identify the research methods if applicable.
  • Identify any conclusions made by the author/s.

Now there are 10 links to write an Annotated Bibliography. With facts and details, take your time. 

There is a list of ten research article links.

  1.  WT.mc_id=HPxADx20100319xMP

2.Guzman C, Zara R. In: Peter K, ed. Vanilla in Handbook of Herbs and Spices. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Ltd;      2012:647-588.

3. Sinha A, Sharma U, Sharma N. A comprehensive review of vanilla flavor: extraction, isolation and quantification of vanillin and other constituents. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2008;59:299-326

4. Bythrow J. Vanilla as a medicinal plant. Semin Integr Med. 2005;3:129-131

5. Sostaric T, Boyce M, Spickett E. Analysis of the volatile components in vanilla extracts and flavorings by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography. J Agric Food Chem. 2000;48:5802-5807.

6.Linares V, Adams M, Cradic M, et al. First evidence for vanillin in the old world: its use as a mortuary offering in middle bronze Canaan. J Archaeol Sci Rep. 2019;25:77-84.

7. Zhao D, Jiang Y, Sun J, et al. Elucidation of the anti-inflammatory effect of vanillin in LPS-activated THP-1 cells. J Food Sci. 2019;84:1920-1928. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.14693.

8.Strand L, Scheline R. Metabolism of vanillin and isovanillin in the rat. Xenobiotica. 1975;5:49-63. 

9. Zhang C, Li X, Lian L, et al. Anti-sickling effect of MX-150, a prodrug of vanillin: an in vivo study using rodents. Br J Haematol. 2004;125:788-795.

10. Shoeb A, Chowta M, Pallempati G, Rai A, Singh A. Evaluation of antidepressant activity of vanillin in mice. Indian J Pharmacol. 2013;45:141-144.