
Choose 1 specific industry to track for the entire semester. This can be aerospace, automobiles, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, green tech, hotels, sports, music, film, government, fashion, food, real estate, and science, among many other sectors. You should choose an industry of keen interest and about which you can easily find information.

If you would like to focus on a sub-sector, such as electric cars, the NBA, or a specific type of shoe, that is fine. Please choose this from the beginning and stick with it.

  • Pick your context from beginning, for example, financial services in the USA, international/global airlines, Scandinavian sustainable energies, and coffee shops in San Francisco. The context can be as narrow as 1 city or as broad as the globe. Please be clear about this.
  • Once a month you will write a report that tracks what has happened in your industry within the last month prior to the assignment deadline. You should provide an array of data, not only focus on 1 event or other type of singular information.