Teacher’s GitHub where you will find the source code and the explanation… it will be in the “2022” folder Recommended to do in C or C# language:…
The objective is: to carry out a translator for machine code.
The job can be done: Using LLVM/HHVM/JVM or an interpolator.
What to deliver:
1. Source code on Github (with contributions from all members);
2. Presentation – Implementation Description – Demonstration of
language – Considerations about work (challenges);
3. Report in markdown in the repository’s
4. Language Documentation – Implementation Description – Methods used;
The source language is your choice, a subset of an existing language can be used for example.
Required features:
1. Input and Output Commands Output: writeln, write Input: readln.
2. Variable Declaration Types: integer, float, boolean, string, arrays, custom data types, and references.
3. Mathematical Operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Remainder. Precedence.
4. Flow Control Types: if, if else.
5. Repetition Loops Types: for, while, repeat until.
6. Functions with and without return.
7. Semantic Analysis: Type Checking and Declaration Checking.
8. Use of external libraries (Simply import code from another file).