

Do You Expect Changes in Extreme Weather Due to Climate Change to Affect You?

For this exercise, you are writing from the perspective of a conservative or liberal.

You have a Conservative voice if your last name starts with the letter A-K.

You have a Liberal voice if your last name starts with the letter L-Z.

You’re a homeowner on the seacoast of Florida.  You are asked by your [liberal/conservative[1]] college son/daughter if you are concerned about the increased risk of flooding/damage due to tropical storms.

  • This prompt is an exercise in ‘writing to learn.’ By taking a stand on the potential for increased risk from hurricanes, you are challenged to express your assigned opinion and support it with evidence. But beyond that, this exercise requires you to consider how to conduct a conversation with someone you disagree. You are asked to frame your responses in the peer-review stage to let the author hear that you have heard their arguments and designed your feedback in a way that invites continued dialog. [READ: Stating ‘truths’ rarely changes opinions.]
  • Initial Draft

To Do

Write a statement describing your concern about the risks of future tropical storms at your location. Include in your statement:

What you like about living on the seacoast of Florida ?

To what degree you are personally worried about a tropical storm affecting your well-being?

To what degree you are personally worried about a tropical storm affecting your property?

To what degree do you believe that the frequency or flooding potential of hurricanes is changing?

To what degree do you believe that climate change is affecting the strength of hurricanes