
We have discussed various modes of rhetorical delivery – text, speech, imagery, sound, film, pasta strainers…

It’s time to start thinking about the practical applications of this knowledge – that is, how you can use the tools of rhetoric to draw conclusions about the world around us.  For this example, let’s use the RU website.  Head to www.rockford.eduand consider the following questions:

What was the main purpose of this “text”? How is its presentation tailored to the academic audience viewing it? What was the specific target audience for this website? (“Everyone” is not a good answer.) Consider the needs of your different audiences – are there places this website works better than others? Think about these specific audiences, and pretend that you are each of them – can you find what you need? How easy or difficult is this site to navigate?

A student athlete for football or baseball

A highschooler who wants to be a teacher

  •  A job seeker who has experience with maintenance

An archeology professor seeking teaching work

  • An adult student who wants to return to school after serving in the military
  • A blind student (this may require researching assistive devices on your part)
  • A parent to any of the student archetypes already mentioned.
  • Any of the above archetypes but in different variations (international, any minority, particular religious backgrounds)
  • Consider the design choices in terms of visual argument (color, layout, size of images and text, font choice, white space, balance, emphasis, etc.). How effective are they? Or not?
  • How are rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos and logos) used? What is the evidence of this?
  • What aspects of the design do you think need revision and why?
  • Consider for example, the different needs between a prospective student and job seeker.
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