
write a report on one of the following topics related to either carbohydrate consumption/metabolism or fat consumption/metabolism. The body of your paper must be 2-3 pages in length (not including reference list).  Your report should contain:

A thorough description and background of the topic – causes, disease risks, treatments, etc.

A detailed explanation of nutrition and dietary recommendations for individuals concerned about the topic.

Minimum of 2 references required.

Possible topics for carbohydrate consumption and/or metabolism:



Glycemic Index

Lactose Intolerance


Safety of artificial sweeteners

  1. Dental caries and sugar intake

Carbonated beverage consumption

Children and sugar consumption

  1. You can choose another area of interest related to carbohydrate consumption and/or metabolism.

Possible topics for fat consumption and/or metabolism:

  1. Cholesterol and cardiovascular disease

Trans fatty acids and their role in cardiovascular disease

Benefits of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats

Benefits of monounsaturated fats in lowering rates of heart disease

Dietary fats and cancer

Dietary fats and obesity

  • You can choose another area of interest related to fat consumption and/or metabolism.
  • **Choose only 1 topic!**