
DISCUSSIONDrawing Conclusions3 messages – 3 unread

Answer Parts 1 and 2 below. 

Part 1. Pick one of the following conclusions or theories from geology and explain what evidence was used to support it. Cite your sources at the end of your post. Provide functioning links to your sources and/or full citations of book or print materials. 

  • Obsidian is created by volcanic activity. 
  • Limestone is the remnants of coral reefs. 
  • Pterodactyls had wings. 
  • There is a large fault (San Andreas) running through Southern California. 
  • Africa and South America were once part of the same land mass. 
  • The rocks at the bottom of the Grand Canyon are between 1.5 and 2 billion years old. 
  • Yellowstone National Park is the site of a supervolcano. 
  • A meteor strike killed the dinosaurs. 
  • Sunset crater in Northeastern Arizona is an impact crater, not a volcanic crater. 

Part 2. Provide an example of an overgeneralization error in drawing a conclusion. Or provide an example of an erroneous conclusion due to confusing correlation and causation. 

Explain how your choice fits with the category, overgeneralization error or erroneous conclusion error. 


Overgeneralization Error: 

Since water boils at 212oF (100oC) then at the top of Mount Everest, water will begin to boil at this same temperature. 

Erroneous Conclusion: 

Humidity is the cause of death by sharks because as humidity increases each year, the number of deaths by sharks also increases. 

ASSIGNMENTStage 2—Observation Project

In the second stage of the project, you will collect and analyze your data. You may need to collect supplies and measurement tools or travel to particular locations. You might need to spend a few minutes on several different days collecting and analyzing data, or you might be able to do this in one day. Be sure to allow adequate time for the observations.

To make your observations repeatable, you will need to describe exactly what you did.Describe any relevant aspects of what you did or the environment. Pictures can be very helpful in this process, so feel free to include lots of them, including a photo of you collecting your data. You will also need to do the following:

  • Create a table listing your data.
  • Create a chart or graph that shows your data and highlights what you think are important features of the data.

Stage 2 Report 

Add the Stage 2 items to your Stage 1 report. Make any edits you would like. In addition to all the Stage 1 items, your Stage 2 report should include:

  • a detailed description of your data collection methods: This description should be sufficiently detailed so that someone else can read it, repeat exactly what you did, and get the same or very similar results. Your description must include at least one photo of you making observations.
  • a table listing all your data: The table must have a title, column headings, and measurement units (as appropriate). Photos of your data notebook are not sufficient. If it makes sense to do basic calculations with your data, such as calculating an average or a rate, include that also.
  • a chart or graph of your data: The type of chart or graph must be suitable for your data. It must include a title, axis labels, and measurement units (as appropriate). The chart or graph should illustrate what you think is the most important aspect of your data and, ideally, make obvious whether your data support your hypothesis or cause you to reject your hypothesis.

The Stage 2 report will typically be four to six pages (this includes all the Stage 1 items and all the Stage 2 items). It may be longer if you include a lot of photos and graphics.