
Create a career plan based on the template that will communicate your ideas together with your vision as a multicultural practitioner-scholar. 


Complete the following in your assessment template:

Role as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar: Draw from your previous study of the practitioner-scholar and scholar-practitioner model to answer the following: In your own words, explain McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model. What will it mean to you to be a practitioner-scholar? Explain what it will mean to you to be a multicultural practitioner-scholar and how the practitioner-scholar model can help guide you in developing the knowledge, skills, and multicultural competencies that you will need to reach your professional vision and goals.

Vision: Develop an inspiring description of your future career vision as a multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar. Be sure to include the individuals you wish to impact, how you will protect the therapeutic relationship (between you and your clients) with multiculturalism, the setting in which you would like to practice psychology, and specialized areas of research and scholarship in psychology.

After completing a draft of the previously outlined sections of your paper, draft the remaining sections in the assessment template. Your complete assessment should include the following:

  • Title page.
  • Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.
  • Introduction: A concise overview of the paper’s content.
  • Body of Paper:
    • Role As a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar.
    • Vision.
  • Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming an effective multicultural practitioner scholar in the field of psychology.
  • References.