
Projects are unique, one-time operations designed to accomplish a set of objectives in a limited time frame (Stevenson, 2021).Think about a project you did recently or a project you will soon work on and detail the following:

Offer a brief explanation of the type of project.

  • Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of the project and explain how it will help you with your project.

Present both probabilistic (t0, tp, and tm) and deterministic time estimates and discuss how you arrived at these time estimates.

  1. For each activity, determine hypothetical costs in a table. Include budgeted costs, percent complete, actual/projected cost, and over/under budget (and total). Discuss the rationale for how you derived these costs.
  2. Finally, tell us how the project management tools helped you gain a better vision of the project.
  3. Directions:

Your assignment is required to be 6 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

  1. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
  2. Formatted according to APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards.
  3. It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into Turnitin prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

  • Module Overview
  • In this module, you will learn about the behavioral aspects of project management as well as components of the work breakdown structure. Projects are unique undertakings that must support the organization’s strategic plan. Pay attention to the connection between the strategic goals of an organization and its projects. Focus on how project management allows for projects, whether for-profit, non-profit, governmental, or even community organizations, to deliver sustainable innovation and customer requirements.

Learning Outcomes

Appraise the behavioral aspects of project management.

Examine the importance of following the project life cycle phases.

  • Evaluate the role of management on risk mitigation.

Compare project management models in relation to effectiveness.

Pirotti, A, Rahim, F. A. M., & Zakaria, N. (2022). Implementation of project management standards and project success: The mediating role of the project management office. Engineering, Project, and Production Management, 12(1) 39-46. Chow, T.C., Zailani, S., Rahman, M.K., Quiannan, Z. Bhuiyan, M.A., Patwary, A.K. (2021). Impact of sustainable project management on project plan and project success of the manufacturing firm: Structural model assessment. PLoS One, 16(11), 1-16.