

USE the outline below as structure to write an essay answering the prompt below based on the Chapters 9&10&11 of the book attched below: (Don’t forget to site any other sources and to use in-text citation for the pages used)  
USE APA7 as essay formatting

Bstan-?dzin-rgya-mtsho (Tenzin Gyatso). Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World Links to an external site.. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 20



Write your reflection of 500-750 words, following your outline. Connect all the elements together skillfully. Give it a nice, narrow title that indicates your main point. Use the grading rubric below to understand how your work will be evaluated.

This should be a thoughtful response to your assigned reading on the topic of compassion as a basis for ethics. Therefore, compose it like an essay that is informed by your own perspective.



  • Be sure that you are writing in response to your assigned reading(s) and possibly other relevant scholarly sources – preferably ones you can find in the university library catalog. Do not reference unreliable information sources (such as Wikipedia).
  • Cite the author(s) and page number(s) of any reliable information source you use within the body of your reflection.
  • Then, list all your sources in a clearly labeled works cited section at the end of your writing. Follow an academic formatting standard, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian. This way, you will not risk representing information and ideas belonging to another author as your own. For more information, read this handout on Scholarly Styl

Writing Prompt: 

  • Topic: Envisioning Training Oneself for Compassion
    • How might specific elements of the Dalai Lama’s advice for dealing with destructive emotions be applicable in your life and work? How could applying this advice impact your efforts to be helpful, compassionate, and ethical on a day-to-day basis, as well as over a long career spanning decades? What are the potential consequences of allowing destructive emotions to proliferate and predominate in your experience?
    • Of the key inner values that the Dalai Lama describes in chapter 10, which two or three of them would be the most beneficial for healthcare providers? Which stressors common to this type of work are best addressed through the strength and freedom that these inner values bestow? 
    • Of the formal mental training practices described in this book (see chapter 11 section on “formal practices” pp. 166-177), which would be the most beneficial to you personally at this point in your life? If you were to enact that practice today, how would you go about it? What steps and procedures are involved and how would you adapt them to your own needs? What specific intentions, visualizations, feelings, or examples would you incorporate?