
This Post has three parts: 

An example of what the Annie Lamott exercise looks like (*see attachment below*)

First, in a couple of sentences, introduce yourself (you might want to let us know a little bit about your background, your goals, your thoughts (fears?) about the course–whatever you feel you want to share).

Then, well, play, experiment, and try out the board. You should try to at least do the following:

Try some of the text editing features (changing size and text effects and so on).

See if you can copy/paste a picture of two from the internet; keep in mind some pictures on the internet are copy protected and cannot be copied/pasted, so you might need to poke around. 

Annie Lamott exercise is very detailed and descriptive; it is all about looking closely to a very small space with lots of things in it. Do not look outward; look down for this.

Pick one of your favorite subjects; search it on Google; select the Images tab, and poke around. Do be mindful of others, and do not post anything clearly offensive (cute is much safer). So, for example, if you love Sunrio anime, you might put up a picture of Aggretsuko. Dodger fan? How ’bout a picture of Don Drysdale?

See if you can embed a YouTube video, maybe a Minute Science thingy.