
Journal Prompt


   Things are vastly changing in the United States. Growth in diversity among young children is widespread. The US Census Bureau predicted in 1990 that by 2018, most children in the United States would be children of color. Children come to early childhood education programs from many types of families.

   Let’s do some research and use our journalistic hat by interviewing early childhood educators in our community about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Talking with experienced professionals will help you learn the history of different family structures, expose you to the challenges of working with a diverse audience, and teach you strategies for successful interaction with families. By creating a journal to reflect on your experience, you will be able to refer and see your evolution of ideas, thinking, and practice as an ECE professional.


   For this journal, you will document the two interviews you conducted. 

   Part One – Interviews

   Interview two (2) early childhood educators from different backgrounds. Ask the following questions during the interview:

       How long have you lived or worked in this community?

       What notable changes have you observed regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion?

       How do you form partnerships with families? 

       How have you adjusted your work with families as society has evolved?

   Please Note: You can conduct your interviews by phone, video, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, or another virtual platform. Take notes to prepare for your journal post.

   Part Two – Create a Reflection Journal Entry

   Write a reflection journal entry on your two interviews that:

       Summarizes what you discovered during each interview addressing all four questions above.

       For confidentiality, provide a pseudonym for each interviewee and only the early childhood education setting.

       Compares the two early childhood educators’ understanding and perspective regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion in the early childhood profession.  

       Identifies community resources for families based on your interview findings.