
Read the following case study:

Quetzal was born in Tierra Colorado, Mexico. At seven, he moved to Tijuana, and then lived for a brief time in California before moving to Colorado when was eight years old and in in the third grade. He described himself as a student who got into trouble a lot by getting in fights while he was in school in Mexico. His academic skills were well below that of his peers. He showed little interest in the work assigned to him during class and had difficulty following directions. When prompted to complete his work, he would get easily frustrated and showed no signs of being able to concentrate in class. His teacher noticed that he could he had trouble connecting sounds to symbols and could hardly decode the words of the text. He receives ESOL support a few times a week, but there is very little progress. His teacher fears that Quetzal will do poorly as he is unable to absorb the instructional sequence being used in the class with the other students. At the same time, Quetzal says he cared about school and his Mexican teachers described him as one of the best students in his class. Upon arriving at school in the US, Quetzal said he immediately did not like it and really wanted to go back to Mexico. He described himself as a kid who rebelled against his mother by frequently leaving home and not telling her where he was going.  He often hung out by himself because he did not want to make friends at first. Quetzal’s teacher spoke a little Spanish, which he said was helpful at times.

Based on your readings this week and what you have learned thus far about ELs, what is your assessment of Quetzal’s problems.  Should Quetzal be referred for LD/ Why or why not. Using the resource page 

Identify and briefly discuss the support systems that could be used to help Quetzal succeed at school. Be sure to support your response with your reading from the week and an outside source (as applicable).

Your discussions must be supported by information from the text, the module pages and at least one outside source.  

Something which could be used from the module… The Florida’s Consent Decree. 

The Consent Decree is the state of Florida’s framework for compliance with the education of English Language Learner (ELL) students. The Consent Decree addresses the civil rights of ELL students, foremost among those their right to equal access to all education programs. In addressing these rights, the Consent Decree provides a structure that ensures the delivery of the comprehensible instruction to which ELL students are entitled.

According to the FL DOE’s page on English Language Learners of the five sections in the Consent Decree Document, sections 1, 2, 5 and 6 have to do with different assessment issues as they relate to identifying, assessing, progress monitoring and placement.

Section I: Identification and Assessment

Synopsis: All students with limited English proficiency must be properly identified and assessed to ensure the provision of appropriate services. The Consent Decree details the procedures for placement of students in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program, their exit from the program, and the monitoring of students who have been exited.

Section II: Equal Access to Appropriate Programming

Synopsis: All ELL students enrolled in Florida public schools are entitled to programming, which is appropriate to their level of English proficiency, their level of academic achievement, and any special needs they may have. ELL students shall have equal access to appropriate English language instruction, as well as instruction in basic subject areas, which is understandable to the students given their level of English proficiency, and equal and comparable in amount, scope, sequence and quality to that provided to English language learner (or non-ELL) students.

Section III: Equal Access to Appropriate Categorical and Other Programs for ELL Students

Synopsis: ELL students are entitled to equal access to all programs appropriate to their academic needs, such as compensatory, exceptional, adult, vocational or early childhood education, as well as dropout prevention and other support services, without regard to their level of English proficiency.

Section IV: Personnel

Synopsis: This section details the certificate coverage and inservice training teachers must have in order to be qualified to instruct ESOL students. Teachers may obtain the necessary training through university course work or through school district provided inservice training. The Consent Decree details specific requirements for ESOL certification and inservice training and sets standards for personnel delivering ESOL instruction.

Section V: Monitoring Issues

Synopsis: The Florida Department of Education is charged with the monitoring of local school districts to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Consent Decree pursuant to federal and state law and regulations including Section 229.565, Florida Statutes (Educational Evaluation Procedures) and Section 228.2001, Florida Statues (Florida Educational Equity Act). This monitoring is carried out by the Bureau of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition (SALA), Division of Public Schools, Florida Department of Education.

Section VI: Outcome Measures

Synopsis: The Florida Department of Education is required to develop an evaluation system to address equal access and program effectiveness. This evaluation system is to collect and analyze data regarding the progress of ELL students and include comparisons between the LEP population and the non-ELL population regarding retention rates, graduation rates, dropout rates, grade point averages and state assessment scores.