
This week’s discussion activity involves reading and responding to a research article related to caregiving and dementia.  This will be a common discussion activity during the rest of the semester.  The purpose of asking you to find and read research articles is to improve your search skills as well as your ability to evaluate research information, which will hopefully be useful in this and other classes.  For example, you could structure your choices for this and the remaining discussion assignments around a potential topic for your term paper.

To find an article, use the search databases in the Searching for information section of the course content.  Please make sure to find the entire article and not just the abstract.  You can limit your searches to full-text results to improve your success.

If you like, you may instead use an article referenced in the textbook.  Table 2.1, which is on pages 18-34 of your textbook, briefly summarizes the methodology and results of the studies described in the chapter.  If you want to use one of the research studies mentioned in that table, you can find full citation information for each study in the reference list at the end of Chapter 2, starting on page 51.  Again, you can use one or more of the search databases in the Searching for information section of our class to locate the article you chose, and please make sure to find the entire article and not just the abstract.    

In your initial post, summarize the main points of your chosen article to include the following:

  • The specific caregiver/care recipient population being studied
  • What was done in the research study
  • The general results of the study
  • How the information from this article relates to the information in the learning module