

This module is oriented to practical methodologies of e-commerce. Inbound Marketing begins a discussion of search engines then moves to the role social media plays in helping e-businesses find and connect with their market. Blogging, videos, and other tools are also covered.

One of the reasons the Pay per Click Advertising text was selected is that it provides some practical guidance on how to set-up a web-based business. If that is not your specific interest, please read the material with the viewpoint that it provides real-life examples of some of the concepts being introduced by this course.

Finally, the selections from 50 Shades of Digital Marketing provides insights from successful e-entrepreneurs. 

Reading Assignment


Appel, G., Grewal, L., Hadi, R., Stephen, A., T. (2019). The future of social media in marketing. Journal of the Academy Marketing Science 48, 79–95. doi: Retreived from

Zheng, D. (2018, June 5). How to do keyword research – Secrets you didn’t know. Crazyegg.

Icha, O., & Agwu, E., (2016). Effectiveness of social media networks as a strategic tool for organizational marketing management. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 21, 1-19.

Patel, N. (2019). SEO made simple: A step-by-step guide for 2019. NeilPatel. Retrieved from

Video Resources

Wuhoo Digital. (2016, March 31). What is social media marketing in 2 minutes [Video]. YouTube. 

Written Assignment

The reading assignments this week discuss the role of social media in e-commerce. According to Henderson (2020), social media has about 59% of online users. In some ways, social media has disrupted marketing as we know it.  Discuss how savvy businesses can harness social media to encourage business success.  What are the challenges they face? How do businesses ‘keep up’ in an environment that changes so rapidly?