Question Description

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Think about the clothing you and other students wore to your high school on a typical day. Think through the different components of the outfit, including headwear, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. Note: If you wore a uniform to high school, that is totally fine! 

Describe a typical outfit that you would have worn to high school. Identify the agents of socialization that informed how you chose your outfit. (For example: family, peers, school, media, others.) How did their influence guide your choices? Did these agents of socialization guide you toward similar choices, or did their guidance conflict with each other?

Identify two ways that students might have attempted to push back against the social structures that informed how students dressed in your high school. Why would this action have been transgressive/transformative? These can be real or hypothetical examples, but the two examples should push back against social structure in different ways.

Identify two ways that individuals might have worked to reinforce the social structures that informed how students dressed in your high school. How might individuals have tried to prevent students from violating the social norms for how to dress? These can be real or hypothetical examples, but the two examples should discuss individuals in different social categories (e.g. classmates, friends, teachers, principals, staff, coaches, etc.).